
Retina Presentation

by Artem Trgtsin

If you think the iPhone was the first device with a retina screen, you’d be wrong

Nokia N770 (800x480 resolution on a 4.1 inch screen)

“Retina” displays are 200 ppi and up. (Pixel density)×4

Pixel ratio

specifies how a physical display pixel compares to a pixel on a “normal” density screen

Retina on Android

Design for Mobile

			<meta name="viewport" content="

Detecting retina screens in JavaScript

			function isRetina(){
			    return (('devicePixelRatio' in window &&
			    devicePixelRatio > 1) ||
			    ('matchMedia' in window && 

Detecting retina screens in CSS

			       (min-resolution:1.5dppx) {
			       E { something }

the content

Text & Fonts

Text is text, and won’t flow differently on a retina screen

Thomas Fuchs

Bitmapped images


  1. PNGs for background gradients ➤➤➤ use CSS gradient (CSS Hat or Сolorzilla)
  2. For UI elements ➤➤➤ convert to SVG
  3. Use two versions ➤➤➤ if icon or small text rendered on a UI element might get blurry at smaller sizes
  4. Others ➤➤➤ use a larger version and scale down on normal screens

Basic two-image variation CSS snippet

			E {
			    background:url(50px.png) no-repeat;
			@media (retina) {
			    E { background:url(100px.png) no-repeat; }

Snippet to larger version and scale down

			E {
			    background:url(100px.png) no-repeat;
			    background-size:50px 50px;

CSS Sprite

			.location {background: url(sprite.png) no-repeat0 0; }
			.fav-link {background: url(sprite.png) no-repeat0 -100px;}
			@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), 
			only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
			    .location,....,.fav-link {
			        background-image: url(sprite@2x.png);
			        background-size: 200px 200px;


For content images, double the resolution but lower the quality. Don’t bother with two versions

Thomas Fuchs

Quality 60, 1024 × 640, 99 КБ

Quality 25, 2048 × 1280, 75 КБ


Need to create an .ICO file with two size variants:

For this:

  1. create the two icon and save them as 32-bit PNGs with an alpha channel
  2. use a icon editor app to create the .ICO file xiconeditor


Fallback with jQuery and Modernizr

			<img src="example.svg" data-png-fallback="example.png" />
			    if(!Modernizr.svg) {
			      var images = $('img[data-png-fallback]');
			      images.each(function(i) {
			        $(this).attr('src', $(this).data('png-fallback'));

Fallback for IE6-8

			E {
			    background:url(image.png) no-repeat;
			        rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
			        url(image.svg) no-repeat;

Snippet for making icon

			<img src="logo.svg" width="512" height="512">
			<img src="logo.svg" width="256" height="256">
			<img src="logo.svg" width="128" height="128">
			<img src="logo.svg" width="32"  height="32">
			<img src="logo.svg" width="16"  height="16">

base64 format

			<image id="icon-16"  xlink:href="data…
			<image id="icon-32"  xlink:href="data…
			<image id="icon-128" xlink:href="data…
			<image id="icon-256" xlink:href="data…
			<image id="icon-512" xlink:href="data…


			#icon-16, #icon-32, #icon-128,
			#icon-256, #icon-512 {
			@media screen and (width:16px) {
			    #icon-16 { display:inline }


Optimizing image file sizes with imageoptim



Retina.js for less

  1. Add the .at2x() mixin from retina.less to your LESS stylesheet
  2. In your stylesheet, call the .at2x() mixin anywhere instead of using background-image

Retina.js for js

  1. Place the retina.js file on your server
  2. Include the script on your page
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/retina.js">
			#logo {.at2x('/images/my_image.png', 200px, 100px);}
Will compile to:
			#logo { background-image: url('/images/my_image.png'); }
			@media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
			    #logo {
			        background-image: url('/images/my_image@2x.png');
					  background-size: 200px 100px;


			E {
			        url(small.jpg) 1x,
			        url(medium.jpg) 2x);